
Saturday, November 10, 2012

Grade 2 Term 1 is busy and blogs are hard to keep up with. 

That being said, it's portfolio time again! What?! How is the school year going this fast already?
Click the photos to make them bigger so you can actually read...


Haye is LOVING The Action Bible. He will spend hours pouring over it.
I highly recommend buying this book, it was only about $30 and the illustrations are simply phenomenal while the storyline remains true to the Bible.  

He is still reading The Jesus Storybook Bible a lot and listening to the audio versions of it as well. Sometimes Haye joins me for morning devotions on the couch or we do family devotions at suppertime.

Haye is also working through the 2nd Grade Finding God's Promises workbook. I think he is on lesson 10. We really like how bright and diverse the lessons are. We try and do Bible first thing after breakfast. 

Unit One • God Gives Us Promises
Lesson 1 Trusting God’s Promises 7
Lesson 2 The Promise Of Heaven 9
Unit Two • God Creates The World
Lesson 3 God Makes All Things 15
Lesson 4 God Makes Man 19
Lesson 5 The Garden Of Eden 23
Lesson 6 The First Sin 25
Lesson 7 God Promises A Savior 29
Unit Three • God Prepares A Leader
Lesson 8 Slaves In Egypt 33
Lesson 9 God’s Plan For His People 37
Lesson 10 God’s Plan For Moses 41
Lesson 11 Moses Leaves Egypt 47
Lesson 12 God Speaks To Moses 51
Lesson 13 Moses Is Afraid 53
Lesson 14 God Gives Moses A Sign 57
Unit Four • God Delivers His People
Lesson 15 Moses Speaks To Pharaoh 63
Lesson 16 Moses’ Great Responsibility 67
Lesson 17 God Shows His Great Power 73
Lesson 18 The First Four Plagues 75
Lesson 19 Plagues On Animals And Men 79
Lesson 20 Three More Plagues 81
Lesson 21 Why God Sent The Plagues 85
Lesson 22 The Passover 89
Lesson 23 The Passover: A Picture Of Jesus 93
Unit Five • God Guides His People
Lesson 24 Time To Leave Egypt 99
Lesson 25 Pharaoh Changes His Mind 103
Lesson 26 Pharaoh’s Armies Are Destroyed 107
Lesson 27 Remembering What God Has Done 109
Lesson 28 More Grumbling 113
Lesson 29 God Shows His Holiness 117
Lesson 30 God Gives The Law 121
Lesson 31 The Golden Calf 125
Lesson 32 A Place For Worship 129
Lesson 33 More Complaining 133
Lesson 34 The Death Of Moses 137
Lesson 35 Let’s Review 14


Haye continues to kick butt in math. We are working through Jump Math 2.1 and 2.2 this year. He is nearly through the first workbook. 

He also spends a large part of his day making up math word problems and can do ridiculous problems in his of his favourite things to do is try and stump us while we are driving. I find it hard to express exactly how smart he is when it comes to math...recently I had him count to 1000 to calm down and while he was spinning in circles in the kitchen I overheard him mumbling 1234567891012345678910etc...over and over quietly (and QUICKLY) to himself. I listened to him for a bit and then stopped him to find out what, exactly, he was doing. He explained that he was counting to 1000 by 10s. I thought he was honestly full of it, so I got him to stop and count out loud while I kept a tally going. Sure enough he nailed it...I asked him how he did it and he said he had a giant scoreboard in his mind that adds the tens up and proceeded to draw it for me. Fascinating...



Well, Haye is always extremely active, if you have ever met him you know that is true. He is constantly spinning in circles or practicing somersaults on the couch. The trick is finding activities that channel his energy.

Besides his daily run around outside / skateboarding in the basement / chasing the dog around the park / playing on the playground, we have had him enrolled in gymnastics for the last month with the homeschoolers. He is loving it although he had a hard time with it at first because he assumed he would just either a) have free time all the time and be able to jump in the foam pit whenever he wanted or b) be perfect at everything he tried immediately. Needless to say it has been a learning experience for both of us but he is enjoying it more and more as time goes on. We have another month to go and then we'll have to find another activity to sign him up for. Maybe gymnastics again? Maybe yoga? We'll see.

We also have him doing swimming lessons for the next month twice a week, but we will re-enroll him after Christmas for the next level. He is just starting in Swim Kids I but is doing really amazing and totally surpassing what we thought he could or would be able to do. 


Haye is always drawing mazes, but lately he has added robots to his daily drawing routine. Generally in the morning he gets up around 7 and is allowed to grab a snack and read quietly in his room until 8 when he can wake me up (I'm usually up before 8 but sometimes Zao sleeps later than this). Lately Haye has been making me cards and drawings every morning before he wakes me up which i LOVE and adore and secretly keep in my sewing room. (I am planning on sewing them all into a book to keep forever and ever and ever) 

Here's my note from today

"I love you more than the planet. I love you from Haye and Biggie the dog xoxoxoxoxo"

"Get to the key (drawing of key) go to the door it 's locked"

"I miss you Mom I wanted you to know that I love you"

Yeah it's pretty awesome waking up to a love note explaining how much someone loves and misses you even though they have only been up for like 30 minutes longer than you. 

Haye recently took part in a ceramics class at a local ceramics studio with the homeschoolers and had a blast! We are going back in a couple weeks to do a Christmas themed workshop. 

This week we are starting a drama group with some friends and Haye is really excited about it. I'll be sure and post all about it!

Language Arts!

I totally scored this Read & Understand With Leveled Texts book at Value Village for $1.99! It is super awesome and while Haye whines about having to do it sometimes, it is so good for comprehension and he is doing really well with it. 

I also bought Just Write which we honestly haven't really gotten that far in yet. We bought it maybe a month ago but only for Haye to practice his writing. He definitely needs to work on being neater with his writing. When he tries hard, his writing looks great, but he is always in such a hurry to get things done that his writing looks illegible half the time. I wish there was a way to make him understand that he needs to slow down or it will get erased and he will write it again, therefore taking double the time! Silly kid. 

Other than that, he still plays on Reading Eggs which covers spelling, comprehension, and reading. He is also reading a LOT of books...not just leveled readers...actual novels. 

Currently I am reading him The Story of the World (he is FASCINATED with mummies and Egypt) 

and Danny the Champion of the World

...both fascinating books (Danny is one of my all-time favourites.) Next up we will read Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and The Twits and James and the Giant Peach and...basically every Roald Dahl book ever. I tried convincing Haye to let me read him the Chronicles of Narnia but he is not interested yet (I think he's a bit scared of it) so we'll hold off another year. Sigh. ;)

Haye's favourite books to read on his own are his history book (I can't find it so I can't show you a picture of it although I'm sure I have already written about it before), his bibles, and any Bad Kitty, Captain Underpants, Doeramon or Pokemon books.

We also discovered he has been reading The Purpose Driven Life in the bathroom and even has a bookmark for it. He has a few other novels on the go up in his room too. The kid is always reading!

(We are also playing Bananagrams!)


Okay, we are behind in Science, but Haye LOVES his curriculum and so do I. It is super thorough and interesting. The only problem with it is there is a lot of adult reading to do and I'm having a hard time finding the balance to actually sit down and read to him for an hour at a time.  My goal for the next month is to get some good Science lessons in.

Haye also got this Magnetism kit for his birthday and he spends a lot of time with it. I like it because I don't have to be present for him to follow the directions because they are written for kids and super easy to follow.

I bought this book for Haye about a month ago and he seriously asks to make paper airplanes like a thousand times a day. Finally he is figuring out how to make some of them on his own (they are really hard!). He knows all about each type and which kinds fly better and how to make the wings different to make them go up or down or in circles etc. 


Um....I honestly kind of forgot about Socials. Whoops.

Oh, also we are really into Professor Noggin games right now. I highly suggest everyone goes out and buys a kid you know one of them for Christmas. Or hey, you all know my kids so you could buy them all for them! I kid, I kid. (No but really, check them out. They are only $15 a box!)

We play these at dinner sometimes and we are all learning quite a bit! Here's the ones we have so far: 

Outer Space!

Medieval Times!

Ancient Civilizations!

First Peoples of North America!

Haye has chosen all of the titles so far and it's interesting to me that 3/4 of them are History related. His favourite subjects are Math and History - both things I was never super interested in until lately! It's funny how kids can be the greatest teachers of all.