
Tuesday, September 10, 2013

GRADE 3!!!!!!!!!

Wait, what? How is my teeny baby in grade 3?


This year we are going back through The Action Bible paired up with The Action Bible Devotional. (We haven't started this yet as it hasn't come in yet but I am hoping it will be here this week).


We have Outlooks 3: Our Communities  on order and have started Canada Map Book 2. We also picked up a giant map of Canada for Haye and he has been studying it in his room every night before bed.


We changed from Jump Math to Horizons Math Book 1 and Horizons Math Book 2. It is more expensive but Haye wasn't interested in doing Jump Math anymore. I have heard it doesn't cover Statistics or Probability very well, so we
picked up Deca Dice to supplement Math.


We have the Farmer Boy Study Guide on order (Haye likes the Little House books a lot). Haye is also listening to many audiobooks and reading tons of novels. We did the grade 2 workbook last year and picked up Grammar & Punctuation 3 last week. Haye did really well this curriculum last year. We haven't started Spectrum Spelling Grade 3 yet but I have picked it up along with Just Write Book 2. Haye has a few lessons left in Just Write Book 1 that we are finishing before we move on.


We are breaking up Science into 3 parts this year which we will cover in Fall, Winter, and Spring. In Fall we are going to be using Minecraft and K'NEX Intro to Structures: Bridges along with library books to cover Structures and Materials. In the Winter we will cover The Solar System, and in Spring we will learn about plants.


We have no set curriculum for Art this year, but we will continue doing Visual Art. A friend of mine will be covering the key components to grade 3 Art with Haye once a week and we will be doing lots of painting and modelling etc. We will also be learning about artists and techniques through various library books.


Haye will go into Swimming lessons this fall and will continue to skateboard etc. He is extremely active.


We haven't decided what we are doing here yet, but we will have more information available by the end of the week.