...that sounds bad when i write it out, doesn't it?
first, we went to edmonton because we had to shoot a wedding and we had a family reunion we couldn't miss. we got home on tuesday (haye's birthday) really late and decided to just take the rest of the week off because well, we can, i guess!
and then last week we went to visit and help my mom because she broke her femur really badly so we hung out there for the week.
i guess what i mean to say is we have taken 2 weeks off of official book learning. it's not like learning ever stops, especially with haye. for example, in the 2 weeks that we took off, we've been reading, writing, drawing, baking, gone to lego club, homeschool club, church, the zoo, played hockey and soccer, and went on playdates, to geocaching, and king's kids. that accounts for language arts, bible, math, P.E., art, and science right there. also, haye has become fascinated with pokemon and can read almost all of the cards (weaknesses, etc) and can count HP and damage and ... well whatever else you need to do with pokemon. there's some more math and language arts for you. ;)
tomorrow we are getting back into the curriculum.
well. maybe after we dig up some worms for our worm farm.
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