
Friday, February 8, 2013

Grade 2 Term 2

Well, here we are again. :)


Haye has finished the Action Bible...I mean he completely and totally read the entire graphic novel (over 700 pages) on his own. It took him a few weeks but he did it, and I am so stoked on him! Here's a few pictures to give you an idea of what the contents are and what the pages look like. (Please remember you can click any picture to make it fullscreen!) 

Recently we stapled a map of the holy land (from an old National Geographic) to the underside of the top bunk of Haye's bunkbeds and he lays in bed at night studying it. We play a game nearly every night where we each get 5 turns to stump the other person with a location. He is definitely better than I am at the game! The map also has interesting information on it like where the sermon on the mount is expected to have been and where Jesus fed the 5000. It is really interesting and Haye is totally captivated by it.
He also is still working through his Finding God's Promises workbook. At the end of the last term he had done up to Lesson 10 and he is finished Level 17 now. He was so taken up with reading the Action Bible that we didn't push him to do a ton of lessons until he was finished. Here's a couple examples of pages he has done.

Here is an updated list of where we are in the Bible curriculum and even though we are only halfway through it I am confident that we could finish it in a few weeks so I have no worries that Haye will get it done.
Unit One • God Gives Us Promises
Lesson 1 Trusting God’s Promises 7
Lesson 2 The Promise Of Heaven 9
Unit Two • God Creates The World
Lesson 3 God Makes All Things 15
Lesson 4 God Makes Man 19
Lesson 5 The Garden Of Eden 23
Lesson 6 The First Sin 25
Lesson 7 God Promises A Savior 29
Unit Three • God Prepares A Leader
Lesson 8 Slaves In Egypt 33
Lesson 9 God’s Plan For His People 37
Lesson 10 God’s Plan For Moses 41
Lesson 11 Moses Leaves Egypt 47
Lesson 12 God Speaks To Moses 51
Lesson 13 Moses Is Afraid 53
Lesson 14 God Gives Moses A Sign 57
Unit Four • God Delivers His People
Lesson 15 Moses Speaks To Pharaoh 63
Lesson 16 Moses’ Great Responsibility 67
Lesson 17 God Shows His Great Power 73
Lesson 18 The First Four Plagues 75
Lesson 19 Plagues On Animals And Men 79
Lesson 20 Three More Plagues 81
Lesson 21 Why God Sent The Plagues 85
Lesson 22 The Passover 89
Lesson 23 The Passover: A Picture Of Jesus 93
Unit Five • God Guides His People
Lesson 24 Time To Leave Egypt 99
Lesson 25 Pharaoh Changes His Mind 103
Lesson 26 Pharaoh’s Armies Are Destroyed 107
Lesson 27 Remembering What God Has Done 109
Lesson 28 More Grumbling 113
Lesson 29 God Shows His Holiness 117
Lesson 30 God Gives The Law 121
Lesson 31 The Golden Calf 125
Lesson 32 A Place For Worship 129
Lesson 33 More Complaining 133
Lesson 34 The Death Of Moses 137
Lesson 35 Let’s Review 14


Haye is doing really well with his Math. He has finished Jump Math 2.1 and is working through Jump Math 2.2 currently. He is on page 34.

Here is Book 1 of what he has completed:

Here is the table of contents for book 2:

Currently Haye is doing about 5 pages a day of Math. Here are some of the pages he has worked on in it so far:

Here is a couple pages from another book Haye is doing on measurement. 


Haye finished his Gymnastics program just before Christmas and also his swimming lessons. He had a good time in both but we didn't re-enroll him in anything yet. I am not sure that the Gymnastics was super worth it as the homeschool class was GIGANTIC (like...50 kids in one room...). Instead, we have been doing a lot of Just Dance 4! Haye is a dancing addict and is super amazing at this game. There is a Just Sweat session that  is a pretty hard workout and he enjoys doing it a few times a week. We have also been going for walks, going swimming at H20 and Parkinson Rec Center, doing yoga, rurnning around outside with friends, and playing at the park. I'm thinking about enrolling Haye in baseball this year.


I don't actually have a ton of photos of art Haye has made on my computer but he really likes to draw and make mazes on a daily basis. Unfortunately we never ended up joining the Drama club that we intended to start last month. Haye has taken up photography however and is loving it. I will post some photos sometime that he has taken. :)

This is a record he planned and painted for a friend for Christmas:

And here are some of the pages from a project he made randomly about a month ago along with translations because he didn't ask how to spell anything.

"Things That Can Go"

"A truck is big and good and climbing and Jeeps. Some have more than  4 to 18 wheels. it is real!"

"Helicopters are fast. AHHHH!"

"Jeeps are crushers"

"Limousine is a truck" (this one makes me laugh)
"Motorcycle, it has 2 wheels"

"Another truck is this kind."
"A boat is a water powered machine"
"A race car is a fast car it can go 200 miles per hour"
"A dump truck is a boulder eater"
He has also joined an online Lego Quest club where he does a lego challenge each time they are posted of a sculpture, tool, or a 2D item etc. I will have to take some photos of his creations and put them up.


Haye has really taken up reading like crazy over the past couple months and is flying through books. Since Christmas, some of the books he has read are:
James and the Giant Peach

Haye made an adorable book report about James but I can't seem to find it...

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Charlotte's Web (this is my well-loved copy from when I was a little kid!)

Today he started Arthur and the Minimoys and is already on page 150 or something?! I can't even fathom how fast he is reading...although I was the same at his age it is still a little mind-blowing to me. We have to pick up some new chapter books asap! I think I will start reading him The Chronicles of Narnia maybe next month after the reading challenge is over. He is determined to win it and spends all of his free time reading these days.

Here's the table of contents from Haye's Read and Understand With Leveled Texts which he is doing really well in. He has done the first 15 stories.

Haye is doing extremely well in his Grammar and Punctuation workbook! He is flying through it. 
It is pretty fascinating to watch, because he easily picks up concepts and remembers them. He will read the instructions and immediately grasp them and do the lesson. The kid is brilliant! I think he has done 18 lessons so far.

Zao got her dirty little blueberry hands all over this book

We still haven't really done a ton of science this year. The curriculum is great, but just so hard to get into because it takes us soooo long to get it done, and with Zao being 20 months old and into everything, it is just that much harder. That being said, we are mostly just letting him learn about birds and go birdwatching. We teach him random things every now and then, such as the states of matter, but right now we are not worrying about science. I'll figure out the PLOs for this year and make sure he learns them for the most part but we might just do most of our science over the summer. 

Derek and Haye go birding at the bird sanctuary near our house quite often.


Here is the chapter list for the Story of the World Volume I that we are reading. We have finished 11 of 42 chapters which, when writing it out, doesn't seem like a lot, but Haye has so many other books on the go that I am just happy that he is reading! Sometimes I read it to him or he will read to me when I am making dinner.

The curriculum we have for Social Studies is for grades 1-3 and we are just picking and choosing what to do from it recently.

Haye has been drafting up a letter for his penpals that I have recently acquired for him that will be sent out hopefully by next week. We are going to photocopy it and send it out and then send personalized letters after that. Basically I wanted him to find other kids to discuss community with (an idea in the curriculum actually) so we have 2 kids in Edmonton that he knew when he was a baby, an adult in Edmonton that also wants to participate, a friends son in my hometown, and another friends daughter in Australia! I think it will be a really interesting project and I hope to get him to make a Flat Stanley to send out to them as well. 

Haye also finished his Geography book a couple weeks ago with flying colours. 


I think we have mostly already covered Health and Career this year, but we decided with Haye to make a goal to save money that was a smaller goal than saving for turntables (because that is a little bit difficult and not as rewarding, so even though we are still doing that this was encouraging). He told us he wanted a camera for Christmas, but we had already chosen his presents, so we told him that he should save his money to buy one. He found a (crappy) camera in the Sears Wish Book that he wanted and it was $30. He saved his money ($40) for 2 months and at the end of the 2 months I searched Castanet and found a really good camera for $35! It is a Canon Powershot and retails for around $200 so we got a really great deal. And he learned a valuable lesson about saving money. Win-win!

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